Endymed 3DEEP Body Tightening. 70 year old patient. Before and after 6 sessions, spaced one week apart.

Endymed 3DEEP Body Tightening. 70 year old patient. Before and after 6 sessions, spaced one week apart.

Derm-eclat Melasma and Hyperpigmentation Treatment
Before/day of treatment start (left), after 2 week touch-up (middle), 1 month post treatment (right).

Derm-eclat Melasma and Hyperpigmentation Treatment
Before/day of treatment start (left), after 2 week touch-up (middle), 1 month post treatment (right).

Derm-eclat Melasma and Hyperpigmentation Treatment
Before/day of treatment start (left), after 2 week touch-up (middle), 1 month post treatment (right).

Endymed 3Deep Series 8, back of thighs treated. Before and 1 month after series completed.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss, Before and After

Endymed for Knees / Knee Lift: 65-year old female, before and after Endymed knee treatment

Profractional: 34yo female treated for neck lines, texture, and tightening. Before and after 4 months after a single Profractional laser neck treatment

Broadband Light (BBL)

Combination Treatment: ProFractional, Thermage and Juvederm, Before and After
Silkpeel Dermalinfusion: Hyperpigmentation, Before and After
Selphyl (PRP): Tear trough, Before and After 3 & 6 Months Two treatments, six weeks apart
Other Treatments was last modified: September 2nd, 2019 by Toronto Plastic Surgery